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Educacao and Realidade ; 48, 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2322663


This article aimed to discuss the challenges faced by teachers of Youth and Adult Education (YAE) in the municipality of João Pessoa/PB, to teach the elderly during the covid-19 pandemic. The qualita-tive method was adopted and information was collected with 10 teachers through a questionnaire in Google Forms virtual format. They were exam-ined with the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The results revealed the difficulties that teachers face in dealing with remote teaching, especially with the elderly, since this portion of the population has its own technological deficiencies and is not used to this teaching format. © 2023, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,Faculdade de Educacao. All rights reserved.

Educação Temática Digital ; 24(1):14-31, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1988765


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as potencialidades e limites das práticas pedagógicas mediadas por tecnologias digitais, no atual contexto em que o mundo convive com a pandemia da Covid-19, que impediu, além de outras atividades cotidianas, que as escolas dessem continuidade ao ano letivo de 2020 e iniciassem o ano letivo de 2021. O presente estudo centra-se na modalidade da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), nos níveis Fundamental e Médio, sob a hipótese de que os educandos da modalidade são os que possuem maiores dificuldades de adaptação às novas práticas de ensino e de aprendizagem com interface tecnológica, dada a pouca habilidade da maioria dos estudantes no uso de equipamentos eletrônicos e a ausência do acesso à internet. Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem quali-quantitativa, que metodologicamente fez uso de questionário, respondido por 79 professores, por meio de formulário digital. As principais conclusões do estudo apontam a baixa adesão dos estudantes da modalidade às plataformas digitais e às atividades remotas e a necessidade de as políticas públicas e a formação docente investirem na educação mediada pela tecnologia como um recurso a mais no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e na garantia do direito de todos à educação. Sinaliza, ainda, como professores e estudantes estão vivenciando este contexto pandêmico e as expectativas docentes em relação à EJA no período pós-pandemia.Alternate : The aim of this article is to analyze the potentialities and limits of pedagogic practices mediated by digital technologies, in current context in which the world coexists with Covid-19, that prevented, beyond other daily activities, that the schools have continued the school year of 2020 and have begun the school year of 2021. The present study is centered in the Youth and Adult Education (YAE), in Elementary and High levels, under the hypotheses that the students of the YAE are who have higher difficulties of adaptation to the newest teaching and learning practices with technologic interface, due the low ability of the most students in the usage of electronic equipment and absence of access to internet. This research has a qualitative-quantitative approach, which methodologically used questionnaire, answered by 79 teachers, through digital formulary. The main conclusions of the study point to low adhesion of the YAE students to digital platforms and remote activities, and the necessity of the public politics and teacher training to invest in education mediated by technology as an extra resource in teaching and learning process and in the warranty of the right to education for all. It also signals how teachers and students are experiencing this pandemic context and the teachers expectatives about YAE in after-pandemic period.Alternate : El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las potencialidades y los límites de las prácticas pedagógicas mediadas por las tecnologías digitales, en el contexto actual en el que el mundo vive con la pandemia del Covid-19, que impidió, además de otras actividades cotidianas, que las escuelas continuaran el año escolar 2020 e iniciaran el año escolar 2021. Este estudio se centra en la modalidad de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EJA), en los niveles de Primaria y Secundaria, bajo la hipótesis de que los alumnos de esta modalidad son los que tienen mayores dificultades para adaptarse a las nuevas prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje con interfaz tecnológica, dada la baja habilidad de la mayoría de los alumnos en el uso de equipos electrónicos y la ausencia de acceso a internet. Se trata de una investigación de enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, que metodológicamente hizo uso de un cuestionario, contestado por 79 profesores, mediante formulario digital. Las principales conclusiones del estudio apuntan a la baja adhesión de los alumnos de la modalidad a las plataformas digitales y a las actividades a distancia y a la necesidad de que las políticas públicas y la formación de los profesores inviertan en la educación ediada por la tecnología como un recurso más en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje y en la garantía del derecho de todos a la educación. También señala cómo viven los profesores y los alumnos este contexto pandémico y las expectativas de los profesores en relación con la EJA en el periodo post-pandémico.

Humanid. Inov. ; 8(61):350-359, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1790211


This article, part of a broader research entitled "Impact of the use of educational technologies through remote teaching on school activities in Bahia municipalities in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic', analyzes and discusses the perception of teachers, as well as the necessary measures for non-classroom teaching in Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The methodological path of the research was based on qualitative and quantitative methods, being of an exploratory and descriptive nature. The data indicate that EJA is one of the modalities of educational offer that suffers the most from the impacts caused by the pandemic, since the particularities of this field of education, in addition to the specificities of its subjects, present themselves as obstacles to operationalize emergency remote education as an alternative against the suspension of face-to-face activities.

Humanidades & Inovacao ; 8(55):116-131, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1716930


A reflection on Youth and Adult Education is presented, based on the recent isolation scenario caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the perceptions and positions of teachers working in public education in the Administrative Region of the Structural City, in the Federal District (DF), the objective was to reflect on the challenges and limitations imposed on the modality, as well as the possibilities of overcoming it. It is an exploratory research, based on bibliographic and documentary studies, and on the results expressed in an online questionnaire, applied to teachers. The work had as source: the related legislation, authors specialized in Youth and Adult Education and official data. The modality is considered to represent a State responsibility to its citizens. However, it appears that the obstacles imposed are even greater for the public of Youth and Adult Education, given the unfavorable social condition of the investigated context and the difficulties in accessing technological resources. Despite the uncertainties, there is hope of overcoming the difficulties and opening up for the implementation of viable alternatives.